Scalp Micropigmentation Pre-treatment and Aftercare
One of the major benefits of Scalp Micropigmentation is the simple aftercare which requires little to no downtime! The procedural result from each treatment session will settle over a 7 day healing period. After this time you will generally be ready for the next session.

Dry scalp and skin conditions such as dandruff, eczema or psoriasis MUST cleared up before treatment commences. Skin that is sunburned, dry or flaking may not heal or accept pigment properly.
Moisturising your scalp to prepare the skin for Micropigmentation is key and it is recommended to use a water based moisturiser before treatment and after the treatment is healed. Sugar scrubs or light exfoliation of the scalp are recommended before treatment to remove dead skin.
Clients who have type 2 diabetes or have undergone chemotherapy within the last 12 months will need a doctor’s clearance to proceed.
Any use of blood thinning medication must be complete for 30 days before treatment commences.
Post Treatment
Aftercare for the most part is simple: Take sensible precautions in the sun, keep your scalp clean, dry, and moisturise as needed. Follow these steps and you’ll see the best possible treatment results that will last for years to come.
Because SMP pigment is only deposited into the Papillary layer of skin, failing to follow through with aftercare may cause uneven healing, affect the overall appearance of your treatment and result in needing additional sessions. Your skin will heal over 3-5 days but the ink itself may take 7-10 days to fully settle, so you must take care to follow these steps to ensure the best healed results and the longevity of your treatment.
DAY 1 – DAY 4:
- Do not do anything to cause excessive sweating for a minimum of 2-4 days after treatments.
- DO NOT expose your scalp to strong sunlight while healing.
- Do not fully submerge scalp in water for a minimum of 4 days post treatment. Example: When showering, do not spray the water directly onto your scalp. A Shower cap can be used if needed. You may cleanse your scalp after treatment by gently wiping with clean hands, wet wipes or a wet paper towel. No soaps and or shampoos to be used during this time.
- Loose fitting hats or work hardhats may be worn after treatment and during healing. This being said, it’s important to let your skin breathe as much as possible during healing. Beanies or tight hats causing friction or sweating must not be worn for a minimum of 5 days post treatment.
DAY 5 – DAY 7:
- On day 5 post treatment you may gently wash your head as normal again, with WARM water, and no scrubbing. For bald heads, a light cleanser such as baby shampoo is recommended. Follow up by moisturising your scalp with a water based lotion or very light natural oil such as jojoba.
- Refrain from shaving the hair on the treated area.
- Do NOT apply chemical based colours, fibres, makeup, antibiotic creams, ointments, Monoxidil or RetinA to the treated area until it is fully healed. We recommend at least 10+ days after your final session as this may cause the pigment to discolour or fade.
- Do not expose your scalp to strong sunlight while healing. For shaved heads, always apply sunscreen. We recommend you stay out of strong sunlight during the initial 7-10 day settling period to avoid having to use sunscreen on your treatment area, and instead wear a hat. It is important that you do not sunburn your scalp to the point that would cause peeling, especially within the first 2 weeks following treatment. Any sun damage which causes peeling on the healing tattoo can lead to fading and uneven treatment results. This includes after treatment is fully healed.
- Wet shaving with a razor blade for 10 days after each session of the procedure.
- Do not rub, pick or scratch the treated area or scabbing that may appear, as this may cause uneven healing and the impressions to be less crisp. Gently tap if you experience itching
- Keep your scalp moisturised with a water based moisturiser or light oil once your treatment has settled. This will help to keep the scalp in good condition & helps to extend the longevity of your SMP.
DAY 15 ONWARD - You can now resume your normal daily routine
LONG-TERM AFTERCARE: - Exfoliate your scalp at least 2 times a month to remove dead skin cells and maintain the appearance of the pigments.
- Avoid chlorinated pools, saltwater, saunas, and steam rooms for 3 week after treatment
- Always wear SPF 50+ as UV rays can cause the pigment to fade.
- Avoid using products that use a high concentration of alcohol. To tell how much alcohol is in a product check the label. On the labels, ingredients are listed in descending order of concentration. If alcohol is one of the first ingredients it is best to avoid it.
- Avoid products with AHA as this will cause pigment to fade.
CLEANSER - Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser
- Formulated without the use of any soaps and is fragrance free, whilst still effectively cleansing your skin.
Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Face & Body - Contains SPF 50 and also has a matte finish to help reduce shine.
TO CLEAR UP DANDRUFF - Nizoral 2% Anti-Dandruff Treatment
For the treatment of dandruff and seborrhoeic dermatitis of the scalp.

- For the best results and to keep your SMP looking fresh for years to come make sure to follow the steps above.
- If you ever have any questions about aftercare it is always best to contact your Scalp Micropigmnetation technician.